Terms and Conditions

1. Booking a Holiday

a) A holiday booking is made between SARL CHALET PECCHIO (“Pecchio”) and the booker of your holiday (“you”) who must be over 18 years of age.

b) In order to confirm your holiday booking a deposit of 25% of the full amount must be paid to:

SARL Chalet Pecchio
Banque Populaire des Alpes
Bourg Saint Maurice 73700
A/C no: 32179720219, Code Banque: 16807 Code Guichet: 00008 Cle RIB 94 IBAN number: FR76 1680 7000 0832 1797 2021 994, Swift Code: CCBPFRPPGRE

c) On receipt of the amount into the Pecchio account, Pecchio will deem your holiday reservation to be confirmed and will email you to confirm your booking.

d) The balance is payable by you in full by 56 days before the start date of your holiday.

e) The contract between you and Pecchio is in all circumstances to be governed by these terms and conditions.

2. Amendments by You

a) Amendments must be confirmed by email. They will come into effect on the day they are received. You agree to indemnify us for any reasonable expenses incurred in making an amendment whether or not Pecchio succeeds in confirming your request.

b) Subject to availability, any change of dates which you make within the same winter season more than 56 days prior to departure will be accepted by Pecchio without charge. A change in dates to a future winter season will be deemed a full cancellation.

3. Amendments by Pecchio

a) We reserve the right to advise you of a change to your holiday both before and after you make a reservation. An amendment made prior to departure, that is deemed to be significant by Pecchio, (for example a chance in dates or a change in accommodation standards) gives you the right to cancel the holiday if you choose. Should you cancel in such circumstances you will receive a full refund of monies paid to Pecchio. In all significant cases we will pay you compensation as follows:

Days before departure Compensation per chalet booking
More than 56 days €100
56-15 days €200
14-0 days €400

b) Once your holiday has started, Pecchio will pay a pro-rata refund for any part of your holiday that, due to an amendment made by Pecchio, cannot be taken.

c) Please note that Pecchio cannot pay expenses, costs or losses incurred by you as a result of any change or cancellation and shall not be liable for any refund should Pecchio be forced to cancel or change your holiday due to circumstance amounting to Force Majeure. Such circumstances shall include, but are not limited to: war, threat of war, riot, civil strife, terrorism, industrial disruption, natural disasters, fire, technical problems, adverse weather, government action and similar events beyond our control.

4. Cancellation by You

a) Any cancellation by you will come into effect the day written notice is received by Pecchio and will be refunded as shown in the table below. Recorded delivery is strongly recommended.

Days before departure % of booking price refunded
More than 56 days 75% OR offer of another holiday for alternative dates (although please note that additional costs which may be incurred in providing a holiday at alternative dates will be payable in full by you).
56-29 days 50% OR offer of another holiday for alternative dates (although please note that additional costs which may be incurred in providing a holiday at alternative dates will be payable in full by you).
28-15 days 20%
14-0 days 0%

b) Depending on the reason for your cancellation, you may be able to reclaim these charges under the terms of your insurance policy.

c) Please note that Pecchio is not responsible for your flight refund and this will be dependent on your flight ticket type. Insurance premiums are also non-refundable by Pecchio.

5. Cancellation by Pecchio

a) In the highly unlikely event that for reasons outside our control (such as irreparable damage to the chalet, ‘force majeure’ etc – see para 3c above) we have to cancel your booking and cannot offer a suitable alternative agreed by you, then we will refund all monies paid by you in full.

b) If you fail to pay the balance of the booking price or other costs before the due date, we reserve the right to cancel your reservation with no refund to you.

6. Your Responsibilities

a) As part of this contract you hereby agree to guarantee payment for any chargeable services requested by any member of your group before, during or after your holiday.

b) It is your responsibility to ensure that each member of your group carries adequate winter sports insurance. For your safety and convenience please provide Pecchio with policy details before you travel.

c) Please treat the chalet and all Pecchio property with care and respect. Pecchio will be entitled to recover the cost of any damage caused by any member of your group before departure from the chalet. Please ensure that your insurance policy covers accidental damage to the chalet and its contents. Behaviour deemed unacceptable by Pecchio will result in the termination of your holiday and you shall have no right to a refund for your holiday or any expenses incurred as a result of the termination.

d) It is your responsibility to provide written details of any allergies suffered by any member of your group.

7. Pecchio’s Responsibilities

a) Pecchio accepts responsibility for ensuring that the holiday which you book with us is supplied as described on our website and booking information.
b) Pecchio accepts responsibility for any loss, death, injury or illness caused by the negligent acts and/or omissions of Pecchio’s employees, agents, suppliers, subcontractors, servants and/or agents of the same whilst acting within the scope of their employment in the provision of your holiday, except where the failure to perform or the improper performance was due to:

i) Your own acts or omissions.
ii) Acts or omissions of a third party not involved with the provision of your holiday.
iii) Circumstances which were unforeseeable or unavoidable even when exercising all due care.

c) Pecchio’s liability shall in all cases be limited in accordance with international conventions concerning transportation and accommodation.

8. Price Guarantee

Once your holiday has been booked its price will be fixed, in spite of any currency fluctuations. However, we reserve the right to amend our tariffs at any time before you make your reservation and you will be notified if any such amendment has been made.

9. Health, Passports and Visas

It is your responsibility to ensure that all documentation is in proper order before you travel. Pecchio accepts no liability for any loss or inconvenience caused as a result of your failure to take reasonable care in this respect.

10. Transport

a) It is your responsibility to make your group’s travel arrangements to an airport or train station from where Pecchio can arrange a resort transfer for you. Please inform Pecchio of your flight arrangements at least four weeks prior to departure, requesting any transfers. Please note – we cannot provide airport transfers with our own vehicles, but will subcontract from licensed operators on your behalf (all transfer costs to be born by you)

b) Pecchio cannot accept responsibility for guests missing flights for any reason or mislaying or destroying travel documents, and no credit or refund will be given if you fail to take up a component of your holiday as a result.

c) Pecchio is not responsible for any flight delays but wherever possible will endeavour to liaise with providers of any previously booked resort transfers.

e) The chalet provides free transport to and from the ski slopes in our own vehicles.

11. Any Problems

If you are ever unhappy with any aspect of your holiday, you must address your complaint immediately to the chalet manager. In the unlikely event that your problem cannot be resolved locally, you must inform Pecchio in writing of your complaint within 28 days of your return.

12. End of Week Payments

a) Upon request, Pecchio will, at its discretion, make purchases on your behalf both before and during your holiday. To enable us to do so, credit card details will be held as a guarantee. Please note that any such purchases must be settled in full prior to your departure from the chalet.

b) A small visitor’s tax is levied by the tourist office on a daily per head rate. This is included in the price of your holiday.

c) Your end of week bill will be shown in the local currency (Euros). d) Cash payment in the resort is accepted in Euros only.
e) Cheques will not be accepted unless from a French Euro account.

f) Visa and MasterCard payments will be processed in Euros only. The vast majority of services we supply in resort are passed on to you at cost, with no handling fee. A charge of 2.5% is therefore levied on all in resort credit card payments to cover the credit card charges.

13. Skiing

a) It is the responsibility of you and your group to judge the suitability of each area in which you ski. If you or any member of your group ski in a location on the recommendation of or are accompanied by any representative of Pecchio, Pecchio will not be liable for any injuries howsoever caused.

b) Unless specified by you pre-arrival, lift passes bought on your behalf will include a carte neige (where available) to ensure rapid response in the event of an accident whilst skiing. Please note that this does not replace the need for a full winter sports insurance policy.

14. General

a) Headings within these booking conditions are for reference purposes only and all images/floor plans are intended to give a general impression only.

b) These booking conditions and any matters arising from them are subject to and governed by French law.

c) SARL Chalet Pecchio is registered in France with Siret number 752 534 859 00018